Disneyland 2010 Recap

We got home late yesterday afternoon – but then we were instantly off to dinner with Chase’s parents, who are in town for the week! So I haven’t had time to post til now.

I don’t have our pics up yet, except for the ones I uploaded from my Iphone. But I’ll post what I’ve got so far.
Wednesday we left work around noon and headed to the airport. Our flights were uneventful, and I was very glad for the McDonald’s at the Minnesota airport! (we hadn’t eaten lunch before we left.) Scott (Chase’s brother) was getting on our flight in MN), so that worked out great šŸ™‚
Got to Anaheim, picked up our rental car and headed to the hotel. We stayed at the same hotel that me, Ash and our parents stayed at for Anime Expo 2003. We booked our room with their Disney special and got Disney gift cards to use, so that was awesome. Only downside was the gigantic Herbalife convention going on in our hotel – we got some major stares as we walked through in costume several times.

Caution: This is a window, not a door

(The rental car booth apparently has had issues with this??)
We went to In-and-Out Burger (Or is it In-N-Out Burger?) for dinner, it was ok (wish I’d asked for mine plain), then ran to Target to pick up a few things, then back to the hotel to get to sleep.

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Thursday morning we were up very early with no problems, since 6:30 to us felt like 8:30, which is the time most of us are up by anyway. While everyone else was getting ready and taking showers, I laid out our costumes and got them ironed and hung up. Everything got there fine except my main box had a giant hole gouged in the corner. I repaired it as best I could for the ride home.

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So then we were off to Disneyland. We got parked and headed in. The first thing we did (besides get our pic taken at the front and get a photo pass) was to get in line for Princess Fantasy Faire.

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My iphone app said the princesses were running around 25 minute wait time, so we didn’t want it to get longer than that – but then we were in line for almost an hour! I was a little a disappointed that right before we got in, Belle, Tiana, and Ariel (the 3 I wanted to see) had just left, so we got the same 3 we saw last year (Snow White, Aurora and Jasmine)… oh well, we got pics and Kevin got hugs. After that I blew some money on a bunch of princess beads and a license plate frame LOL And Kevin got an autograph book.
We rode It’s a Small World after that (which I, for some reason, took a lot of pics of on my iphone), and then got some ice cream and rode Peter Pan’s Flight.

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After that we had lunch (Kevin and I stalked a table while everybody else got the food – I was throwing our stuff onto some people’s table before they’d even completely left LOL) and then got a fast pass for Indiana Jones and rode Jungle Cruise and Star Tours. We shopped a little and then went back for Indiana Jones. Oh and we also went back up Main St and got “1st Visit” buttons for Ash, Kevin and Scott, and Chase and I got “We’re celebrating” buttons (for our anniversary!)

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After that we hopped over to California Adventure and rode Tower of Terror – which was different than the one in Orlando and freaked us out! We weren’t expecting the drop so soon! We didn’t buy our pic, but Ash took a picture of it – it’s funny, the only people with their hands in the air are us four (Chase wouldn’t ride.) LOL. We also rode Soarin’ and Monsters Inc, and saw Muppet Vision 3-D.

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And i have no more pics from Disney after that, because my phone power was running low.
We went back over to Disneyland and rode Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, and saw Captain E-O! Then we had dinner reservations at Carnation Cafe, which was YUMMY. Gotta make that potato soup for myself here at home.
We watched the fireworks and finished our shopping – I got this shirt! Very excited šŸ™‚ I also got 2 antenna toppers LOL Chase got a Simba statue that’s really cute.
Then we were EXHAUSTED – we’d been there nearly 13 hours… so we headed home!

I’ll post more tomorrow!